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Services Offered
Clinical Services
We are offer Telehealth Counseling services.
This is achieved via a secure website, which does
NOT require downloads. It's called
We are also able to video chat using FaceTime
from your tablet or smartphone.
If a video chat is not an option for you, we can also
offer counseling via telephone.
We are part of The Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT), which is an interstate compact designed to facilitate the practice of telepsychology across state boundaries. To see if your state is participating click here.​
All insurance companies now provide coverage for Telehealth services, please refer to our Insurance Accepted page to see which insurance companies we are contracted with. These companies are being updated on a regular basis, so if you do not see your insurance company listed here, please call the office to inquire about coverage.
Individual Counseling for Adults, Children, and Families
- Anxiety related issues (e.g., OCD, phobias, PTSD, and panic)
Grief & Loss
Relationship conflict (social and/or occupational)
Drug & Alcohol, including Suboxone related counseling
Parenting support and counseling for children, adolescents, and teens
Behavioral and Learning Disorders (including ADHD/ADD)​
Premarital Counseling
Find out if you and your fiance are ready for a life long commitment
Learn how to prepare for the ups and downs of married life
Discover the keys to effective communication
Learn how to work through and resolve even the most intense conflicts BEFORE before they lead to marital problems
Marriage Counseling
From communication breakdowns to infidelity, marriage can be one of the greatest sources of joy in this world, at the same time, it has the potential to bring about the most intense kinds of pain. Learn how to successfully navigate through any trial that is currently facing your marriage.
Professional Services
Offering HSPP Medicaid Supervision of Mid-level practitioners for both individuals and group practices
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